User Modules

UModule is a new framework, created to unify the multiple copies of frameworks for every module. It is currently in development, on the umodule branch, and not yet in trunk.


Module filenames must be in the format of preferrably all lowercase.

Module classes must be in the format of PSModule_yourmodulenamehere, with both yourmodulenamehere’s being the same case.

For example, I may name my example module, with the class name PSModule_example.


All modules must import:

from umodule import UModule


All modules must extend UModule

Class Variables

You should implement class variables:

  • NAME = (string), no whitespace. Will be automagically set to the string after 'PSModule_' in the class name if not otherwise set, so you shouldn’t need to change it. (eg: PSModule_twitter would result in a NAME of 'twitter'). Must be the same as your module’s folder name.
  • DISPLAY_NAME = (string), name of this module when shown to the user. Used, for instance, in info lists and such. Defaults to NAME.title(), but examples of a few ‘special’ ones may include eRepublik or e-Sim.
  • VERSION = (number), up to you.
  • DEVELOPERS = (string), 'Dev Elepor <dev@elep.or>, Some Onelse <som@wan.wan>'.

You may choose to implement these class variables:

  • parser = (optparse.OptionParser). Used for custom option settings when commands are parsed.
  • parser_option = (optparse.Option). See above. Look through /esim/ for examples.
  • LISTBOTS = (list). If specified, / will display this name/description in its list of network bots.

Additionally, the default __init__ sets several useful class variables for you to use in your module:

  • parent = object (received from __init__, your parent server object, e.g., TS6Protocol()).
  • config = object (received from __init__, the same configuration object used in the parent server object).
  • logchan = string (is set in __init__, channel from config where your bot users reside if you use one).
  • log = object (is set in __init__, file/stdout logger (usage: log.error(msg)|, see python logging lib for details).
  • dbp = object (is set in __init__, is the parent’s database pointer) – NB you should always make your own database if your module needs one.


UModule assumes that users want to have a virtual user connect to the server.

The following info must be present in config.ini for this to work, where NAME is the same as the class variable NAME, above.

nick: twitter
user: twitter
host: 140.or.bust
gecos: Network Services Bot
modes: +SUoipqNx
nspass: twit
channel: #a


A few different convenience libraries are loaded by default. To find out how to use these, simply look at how other umodule-based modules implement them, and at the code in libs/sys_<library>.py itself. These are implemented as class variables, as follows:

ones you are likely to call yourself

  • auth: Handles situations where you need to verify the user is the founder of a channel.
  • channels: Handles channels your fake user is ‘allowed’ in, and has been requested in.
  • log: Provides simple, consistent logging, such as self.log.debug(‘string’).
  • options: Handles database-stored module options, with a simple interface.

background libs

  • antiflood: Makes sure users don’t flood you to death with messages.
  • users: Keeps track of banned users.


There are two sorts of commands in UModules, Admin Commands (acmd), and User Commands (ucmd). This section talks about how to properly use the two types in a UModule.


Admin Commands, as they’re called, are actual pypsd commands. To create an library, simply add the functions you wish, and return the (function, usagestring) as a tuple from get_commands(), like this:

def admin_stats(self, source, target, pieces):
    self.msg(target, 'Registered users: @b%d@b.' % len(self.users.list_all()))
    self.msg(target, 'Registered channels: @b%d@b.' % len(self.channels.list_all()))
    return True

def get_commands():
    return {
        'stats': (admin_stats, 'counts registered users and channels')

This file, acmd_something, is put in your umodule folder. Then, in your module’s init block, you use the load_acmd() function to load your library:

from umodule import UModule
from libs import acmd_shared

class PSModule_twitter(UModule):
    def __init__(self, parent, config):
        UModule.__init__(self, parent, config)
        self.load_acmd('something', acmd_something)

After that, UModule will take care of the rest, including setting each command to only be runnable by pypsd admins only. You can additionally set custom pypsd permissions and such per command by adding a dict the the end of a command’s get_commands() tuple. Like this:

def get_commands():
    return {
        'stats': (admin_stats, 'counts registered users and channels', {'permission': 'e'})

If you do require special acmd loading, you may load your own custom commands using UModule’s register_command() manually. Look into the register_command() docstring yourself for specific information on how to use it


User Commands are commands that are entirely handled by UModule itself. These are what all your users will be calling, and how your users will interact with your module. There are a number of commands that are shared between various modules, such as help, info, request, and remove. Let’s take a look at how those work:

from ucmd_manager import *

def shared_info(self, manager, zone, opts, arg, channel, sender, userinfo):
    message = '@sep @bRizon %s Bot@b @sep @bVersion@b %s @sep @bDevelopers@b %s @sep' % (self.NAME, self.VERSION, self.DEVELOPERS)
    self.notice(sender, message)

def shared_help(self, manager, zone, opts, arg, channel, sender, userinfo):
    command = arg.lower()
    for line in self.get_help(zone, command):
        self.notice(sender, line)

class SharedCommandManager(CommandManager):
    command_list = {
        # info's key here, is a string. This is because the only name for this command is 'info'.
        'info': (shared_info, CMD_ALL, ARG_NO|ARG_OFFLINE, 'Displays version and author information', []),

        # help's key, however, is a tuple containing 'help' and 'hello'. The primary name of this command is 'help', but this shows that 'hello' will also trigger this command. Which name comes first will be the primary one displayed in help output.
        ('help', 'hello'): (shared_help, CMD_ALL,  ARG_OPT|ARG_OFFLINE, 'Displays available commands and their usage', []),

Each function that receives UCMDs has a number of arguments, namely: * self: The UModule itself * manager: The Command Manager the command is a part of * zone: The ucmd zone the command came from (CMD_PUBLIC, or CMD_PRIVATE) * opts: Option dictionary * arg: Arguments * channel: Command’s target. Who the user was sending the message to in the first place * sender: Nick of the user who sent the message * userinfo: Sending user’s userinfo

In a similar sort of fashion, a command_list value is a list containing these values: * handler: Handler function. Receives all those arguments above * zone: Zone the command can work in * args: Argument settings * description: Description, used for help messages * UNKNOWN, look into this a bit later * usage: Not shown here, this can either be a string or a list, containing usage strings. eg: ['#channel', 'nick'] or just '#channel/nick'. The main difference here is that list items will be shown on totally new lines, and a single string will be shown on just a single line

Argument Types


You may have noticed the zone argument in a few of the ucmd methods. This is how we differentiate whether a command can be used publicly (in a channel), privately (privmsg right to module user), or both.

  • CMD_PUBLIC: Shows the command can be used publicly
  • CMD_PRIVATE: Shows the command can be used privately
  • CMD_ALL: Both of the above zones OR’d together, meaning both public and private


TODO: Description here


Subsystems are blocks of code that manage stuff within your UModule. self.auth, self.elog, and self.channels are examples of a few default subsystems. Subsystems have database access, as well as a few other specific options and functions, setup for them automagically.

If you want to disable a default subsystem, to use your own in place of it, or to just do something different, add the module’s name to your class variable disabled_default_modules, as such:

class MyAwesomeModule(UModule):
    u_settings = {
        'disabled_default_modules': ['antiflood', 'users']

Be aware, though, that the default subsystems are quite tightly integrated with each other. Unloading, for instance, the options subsystem is a very bad idea unless you’re going to add your own options subsystem in place of it. (note that you would need to add the subsystem before calling UModule.__init__, and load it as a core subsystem, otherwise all the other modules would fail. This is what I mean when I say it’s really bad to unload certain subsystems)

To bind your own manager to be loaded, simply call bind_subsystem. It will be automatically loaded, and accessable at the name you give. For instance, this:

self.bind_subsystem('cool', sys_coolguys.CoolManager)

would allow you to access your cool manager at once it was loaded by self.startup. This is why you check whether your module is initialized and online before doing stuff, because the managers you try to access may not even exist before then.

Subsystem Priorities

By default, there are three ‘priorities’ of subsystems: * core: Primarily, subsystems that are loaded first, and are required by other lower-level subsystems such as elog and options. * normal: By default, these contain the useful subsystems that modules use, such as channels, users, auth, and antiflood. This is the default priority for newly added subsystems. * minor: No subsystems are in this group by default. This is intended for things like module APIs, that may make use of the default core and/or normal subsystems.

An example of both loading subsystems with different priorities, and providing kwargs to subsystems on start, is below. Keep in mind that for regular positional args, you would simply add something like args=[2, 4, 5].

self.bind_subsystem('options', sys_options.OptionManager, priority='core')

self.bind_subsystem('weather', sys_weather.Weather, priority='minor', kwargs={
    'key': self.config.get('internets', 'key_wunderground')

Event Hooks

General hooks

Modules can hook into the parent code at any point. Currently hooks exist for uid (when a user connects), privmsg (on receiving a message), notice (on receiving a notice), and a few other events.

You can add extra hook points by modifying (see irc_UID() for proper usage). Your hooks must be in the following format:

def yourmodulenamehere_hooknamehere(self, prefix, params)

Where hooknamehere is whatever you want to call your hook. prefix and params are what get passed from the source hook method. It is of utmost importance to prefix your hooks with your module’s name, otherwise the unloading code will break.

After writing your hook method, you add it in a tuple of tuples to your getHooks() definition as in the example below:

def getHooks(self):
    return (('uid', self.bopm_SCANUSER),)

UModule-specific hooks

UModule has a few default hook functions that must be run when certain hooks happen. These, currently, are umodule_TMODE, umodule_PRIVMSG, and umodule_NOTICE. These can either be passed directly as the hook function, or simply called from the module-specific hook function, as this:

def example_NOTICE(self, prefix, params):
    self.umodule_NOTICE(prefix, params)
    pass  # do whatever else here

If not using just the default hooks, the getHooks function must be manually specified, including at least the hooks tmode, privmsg, and notice. An example of such a basic getHooks call is this:

def getHooks(self):
    return (('tmode', self.umodule_TMODE),  # default
            ('notice', self.example_NOTICE),  # custom hook
            ('privmsg', self.umodule_PRIVMSG))  # default

If you require a more complete example of how this works, look into